Studies DF1001-001

A phase I/II, first-in-human, multi-part, open-label, multiple-ascending dose study to investigate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, biological, and clinical activity of DF1001 in patients With locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors, and expansion in selected indications


HER2 positieve borstkanker, HER2 positieve longkanker (Erbb2 amplified/mutated NSCLC), HER2 positieve colorectaal carcinoom (Erbb2 amplified of HER2 3+ CRC)


  • Fase I/II

  • open-label expansieonderzoek

  • Interventie: DF1001 (immunotherapiemiddel gericht op NK-cellen) in combinatie met nivolumab in een vier weken durende cyclus.

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Deelnemende ziekenhuizen - Open voor inclusie

  • Radboudumc (C. van Herpen, I. Desar)